Friday, November 29, 2013

Time Lapse Video

This post is all about photography. Well specifically it is about 1,200 different pictures that when compiled turn into a video. I took these shots at the Piazza Republica in Firenze, Italy. It took me about an 30 mins of shooting to capture less than one minute of video.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Europe and its treasures

So it has been almost two months since my last post and I vaguely remembering making some sort of declaration of a daily post. Well that did not work out obviously but thats only because life has been absolutely insane. I have spent time in airports all over Europe recently with the best stops occurring in Paris, Barcelona, and my personal favorite city in the entire world, Amsterdam! I traveled with roommates and an ex-lover which proved for fun, interesting, and at times painful moments that I wouldn't trade for the world. While doing all this traveling, I have been doing my absolute best to catch up with my semesters worth of work which has become quite pilled up. Its not that its hard and in fact certain classes I am sure I have done all my work purely because I find it really fun. This is mainly my advertising homework and for whatever reason I find this super fun.



So now to the important part of this blog. These two months have spoken very loudly towards me and I have been doing my best to listen to what life is trying to teach me right now. This is essentially what I think life wants me to understand right now.

1- Destiny is what brings you to where you are. When you are there you have two choices. Good or Bad? Left or Right? Straight or Backwards? Destiny will take you places in life that do not make sense and will teach you some valuable lessons.
Destiny in a Box

2- People will always come and go in life. If they are meant to be in your life then they will. If not, it will be ok.
Don't be Sad

3- Do not be afraid to enjoy life because the window of opportunity is closing a bit more each day.
Don't be Afraid

4- Don't be afraid to talk to strangers, they might become friends.

5- Most of all, enjoy the fact that you are alive right now and capable of doing things other can only dream of.

I am not sure where my Destiny is taking me but so far it has taken me from Los Angeles to San Diego to San Francisco to Florence. I wonder what is coming next?